Reproducible papers in the life sciences using R

Description This talk at the 2022 CANSSI Statistical Software Conference is intended for researchers in the life sciences, who can benefit from using R to create manuscripts that are reproducible. When I started to use R to create manuscripts, I was under the impression that R was mainly for “Stats people”. I quickly realized that that was not the case because {bookdown} provided all the tools required to create a paper that was reproducible and where I didn’t have to worry about formatting issues.

Using Generalized Additive Models for Biomedical Longitudinal data

Description This talk at the RMedicine 2021 Conference covers in a brief way the statistical treatment of longitudinal data with an emphasis on biomedical research, showing in a visual way the limitations of linear models (rm-ANOVa or LMEMs) and how generalized additive models (GAMs) are useful to analyze non-linear data. An in-depth coverage of this topic can be found in this preprint from our lab ( the manuscript is currently under review).